Website Design

As a small business owner, you know the importance of a quality online presence. That, in combination with your customer service is what sets you apart from the competition. It can be frustrating when you know you should be moving forward, but instead you’re just spinning your hamster wheel.

Entrepreneurs often fall into three areas when it comes to developing a website for their business…

It can be so frustrating.

I know, I have been in the position of needing a better website and not knowing which direction to turn next. If you’re like me, you couldn’t see yourself forking out 15 grand, or more, to have someone else build you a custom site; just to turn around and pay them to manage it because you lack the know how. All well and good if you have an unlimited amount of financial resources just laying around.

So, I did the hard thing and spent about a year learning the ins and outs of website development.

The funny thing is, in the process, I found that web development encompassed all the things I love about art and design; capturing life through photography, graphic design, typography, writing, and creating an experience. All the tiny details that take something from okay to outrageous. In that moment, I realized I had uncovered something. There are very few companies that will build a gorgeous website for someone, and then equip them with the tools and skills to manage it themselves. Why?

I think we all know the answer to that question.

My plan?

Put an end to the hamster wheel.

What exactly is it that I do to put an end to the cycle? Well, that depends on your needs as a business. One may only need me to rework their existing website; while someone else may need to build one from the ground up, and then need some equiping to know how to manage it themselves in the future. The ball is in your court, the crayon in your hand, the eggs in your basket. I am here to provide the tools to make the three pointer, color the masterpiece, and cook an omelet.


So, how is all this accomplished?

Full Business Consultations

This is crucial in helping me understand the needs, and vision, of your company so I can best develop your website for the future. It is a necessary step in the process, and is done before any other work is started.

Since no one likes be ambushed with loads of questions and zero time to prepare, I will send them to you prior to our meeting so you can let them marinate just a bit. For a quick sampling of things you may be asked, click below.

Yep, that ‘learn more’ one right there.

Custom Website Development

I probably say this about every area, but this truly is the most exciting part of my job. After walking through the process of getting to know you and your company, I get to work developing a website tailored to your specific needs and desires. Already have a website but in need of a redesign? Not a problem. The beauty of building a site from the ground up is the ability for your company’s style and voice to truly express itself. You didn’t start a business to be like everyone else did you?

Custom Imagery

We live in a visual world. Consumers will decide if your website is worth spending time on, or not, within a few seconds. How many times have you popped on a website, only to leave moments later because it didn’t look legit? This is most likely due to how it visually appealed to you, or didn’t.

Custom imagery is also one of the best ways to insure your site looks on point with your brand. Extra bonus, you don’t have to worry about spending money on stock photography that has no personal connection to your company, and those pesky copyright laws won’t be an issue.

One-on-One Education

This is a major area that sets Design by Leta apart from other developers. Once your website has been designed, I sit down with you one-on-one and invest time into teaching you, or someone who works for you, how to manage your website.

While I am available when you have questions, you will have the tools needed to add and change things yourself. Need to know how to add new pages or change information on the existing pages? Wondering how to upload new media files or add a new contact form? We can go over as much, or as little, as you desire. When we’re done, I’ll provide some resources, besides me, for you to tuck away when you get stuck.


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